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Migration Assistant: Prepare Employee Details

Prepare Employees

The Prepare Employees – Employment Details is the second page of the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant. It has three main sections:

  1. Instructions
  2. Employee List table (read-only)
  3. Details section – containing STP Phase 2 required fields (editable)


  1. Help icon – navigates to STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant
  2. Apply button – used by Details section for bulk update for multiple selection
  3. Exit button – prompts to save changes then closes the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window
    1. Yes – save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
    2. No – do not save any updates and close the Migration Assistant
    3. Cancel – the action is cancelled and returns to the Migration Assistant window. Clicking 'X' on the dialogue also cancels the action.
      From this page, the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant prompt will be displayed when closing or exiting the Migration Assistant window.

  1. Next button moves to the next page: Prepare Gross Wages Items


The Medicare Levy options are available for those claiming a Surcharge or Reduction.

Do not select anything if you do not need to claim. To check if you qualify, check with your health care provider, your accountant, or with the ATO.




Select an Income Type for every employee.


Select an STP Tax Category for any employees under the Actor. Senior/Pensioner, or Horticulturist/Shearer Tax Scales.


Specify a Home Country for any employees assigned to the Working Holiday Maker Income Type.


Enter the Contractor's ABN and select whether the Commissioner's Instalment Rate(CIR) applies for all Voluntary Agreement employees.


Select the Medicare Levy Surcharge rate where required.


Select the Number of Dependants for each employee where the Medicare Levy Reduction has been claimed.

Employee List table

The Employee List section is READ-ONLY.

This section allows the selection of one or more employee that needs to be updated. Any changes performed and saved from the Details section will be shown in this section.

By default, it displays the following:

  1. Active Employee List
  2. Sorting order is based on Payroll Preferences (Default: First Name)
  3. Displays 10 records at a time in a vertically scrollable page
  4. Current row selected will be highlighted in blue (not applicable for multiple selections)
  5. It will have 11 Columns:




  • Checkbox
    • Select/Deselect All
    • Select one or more

  • Warning notification
  • Employee Name
  • Tax Code
  • Income Type
  • Tax Category
  • Home Country
  • Contractor ABN
  • Commissioner's Instalment Rate (CIR)
  • Medicare Levy Variation
  • Number of Dependants

  1. For new sessions, each Employee row will have a Warning icon to indicate missing details. The main mandatory details required for STP Phase 2 is the Income Type.
  2. The Warning icon disappears when an Income Type along with other STP Phase 2 fields are set
Validations would fire depending on the combination of selections.

Details section

The Details section is where the user can set the data for each STP Phase 2 fields for the selected employee.

After an employee is selected, the name would be displayed on the heading. Then, the rest of the STP Phase 2 fields would need to be set, starting with the Income Type.

Once all the relevant fields are set, click on Apply.

For all available selections for each field dropdown, please see Prepare Employee Details: Available options.
For all available fields based on Income Type and/or Tax Category selection, please see Prepare Employee Details: Permitted and available fields
For validations triggered based on field selection, please see Prepare Employee Details: Validations based on selections

Examples of updating Employee Details

One employee

  1. In the Employee list, place a tick to select an employee
  2. In the Details section, the name of the employee would be displayed in the heading
  3. Select an Income Type i.e. SAW – Salary and Wages
  4. Click Applythis will also remove the tick in the checkbox
Clicking on Apply will set the Income Type for the employee as seen on the Employee List table. This also meets the minimum criteria that clears the Warning icon ⚠ for missing details.

Other possible fields will be left enabled for user selection if permissible.

Multiple employees

  1. In the Employee list, select two or more employees by placing a tick on their respective checkbox
  2. Select an Income Type, i.e. CHP – Closely Held Payees
  3. Select any other permissible fields to update, i.e. Number of Dependants
  4. Then, click Apply
Clicking on Apply will set all the updated fields for all the employees selected as seen on the Employee List section.

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