Unrecoverable Error when opening Reckon Accounts data file with memorised transfers.

Legacy KB ID: 3551


Why do I receive an unrecoverable error when attempting to open my Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks) data file on a network?


This issue may arise when you have the combination of the following:

  • Memorised transfer setup
  • Multi-currency turned on
  • Data file has been switched to Multi-user mode

To resolve this issue on a Local Network:

  • Hold the Control (CTRL) key on the keyboard and double click the Reckon Accounts icon
  • The No Company Open window will appear
  • From the File menu, select Open or Restore Company...
  • Select Open a company file (.QBW)
  • Navigate to the location of the Reckon Accounts data file. Click on it once so that it is highlighted
  • Untick Open file in multi-user mode at the bottom of the Open a company window
  • Your data file should now open without the error
  • From the Lists menu, select Memorized Transaction List
  • View each of memorized transactions that have been set up as a transfer transaction and write down the details. You will use these in the To Do List.

Remove all memorized transactions that have been set up as a transfer:

  • Click the Memorized Transaction button.
  • Select Print List.
  • Print to your printer.

Go to the Company menu and click To Do List to create a new To Do List entry to remind you to manually make these transfers on the appropriate dates.  Remember to update these entries after each transfer. 

To resolve this issue on Reckon Accounts (formerly QuickBooks) Hosted:

Method 1:

Copy your company file from Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks) Hosted to your local PC:

  • In Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks)Hosted, close your company file
  • File > Open or Restore a Company > Open a company file
  • Right Click on your company file, highlight it and click CTRL + C on your keyboard to copy it to the Clipboard.
  • Minimise Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks)Hosted and using Windows Explorer navigate to the destination folder and press CTRL + V on your keyboard to paste it to your chosen location. 
Note:  this process may take some time.  Ignore any not responding messages and allow the process to complete.

Follow steps above for Local Network to address the issue.

Copy the file from your local PC to Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks) Hosted:

  • In Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks)desktop, close your company file
  • In Windows Explorer, browse to the location of your company file, highlight the company file and press Ctrl + C

On Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks) Hosted, File > Open or Restore a Company > Open a company file >

  • Select the correct folder for your company file, either Q:\ drive or a shared folder
  • Right Click on white space in the Name box and press CTRL + V on your keyboard to paste it to your chosen location. 
Note:  this process may take some time.  Ignore any not responding messages and allow the process to complete.
  • Select the copied file to open it. 


Method 2:

  1. Copy your company file from its current location to another location:
  • If the file is in Q:\ drive, move it to a shared folder.
  • If the file is in a Shared Folder, move it to a Q:\ drive.

  1. To copy your company file from a shared folder (source) to the Q:\ drive (destination): 

a.    In Reckon Accounts (formerly Quickbooks) Hosted, close your company file

b.    File > Open or Restore a Company > Open a company file

c.    Right Click on your company file, highlight it and click CTRL + C on your keyboard to copy it to the Clipboard

d.    In the Look in box, select Q:\ drive

e.    In the Name box, right click on the white background and press CTRL + V to copy the file to this location

  1. Return to the source folder and delete your company file and related files. 

Highlight the file and press the Delete key:

a.    yourcompanyfile                 Type:  QuickBooks Company File

b.    yourcompanyfile.qbw         Type:  Configuration settings

c.    yourcompanyfile.qbw.nd    Type:  ndFile

d.    yourcompanyfile.qbw.tlg    Type:  tlgFile

  1. Go to the destination folder and copy your company file back to the source folder
  2. Wait a minute or two for new related files to be generated
  3. Select your file to open it
  4. From the Lists menu, select Memorised Transaction List
  5. View each of memorised transactions that have been set up as a transfer transaction and write down the details. You will use these in the To Do List.
  6. Remove all memorised transactions that have been set up as a transfer
  7. Go to the Company menu and click To Do List to create a new To Do List entry to remind you to manually make these transfers on the appropriate dates.  Remember to update these entries after each transfer. 

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/categories/reckonaccounts

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/

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