Reckon Cloud Point of Sale: Adding Employees

How to add Employees to your Reckon Cloud POS  

 You can share your store with your employees and your employees can assign each sale to themselves during a sale. This can help you understand your sales and you can Export Sales Record from Management System EMPLOYEES

To add an employee to your Reckon Cloud POS Store, you have to share your store with the user in Reckon Customer Portal. When you share a store, you can choose the access level that the user will have (Management System or Cash Register or both). 

To share a store:

  1. From Reckon Cloud POS dashboard in Portal, click on the ellipsis menu (...) next to your Store name > Share with... User
  2. Enter the username of the user and click NEXT
  3. Select the appropriate access and click SAVE 
  4. The store will be shared with the user

If the user you want to share your store with does not exist in Portal, then you'll have to ask your employee to sign up for a free account and pass you their username. They don't need to purchase any store to access your Store. Once a store is shared, your employees will find it under Reckon Cloud POS dashboard's Shared with me tab

 After you've shared your store with your employee, you can find their details under Management System > EMPLOYEES. You can also update their details and access level of your store.

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