Combined Reports _ Reckon Accounts Desktop/Hosted

How do Combined Reports in Reckon Accounts Hosted work?

Combined Reports is a feature to create and consolidate the outcome of reports for multiple companies.


* Login to Reckon Accounts Hosted

* Open your company file

* Go to Reports ➡️ Combined Reports for Multiple Companies

* Select Add Files to select which files you would like the report to comprised of - Select the files from the window then click Open.

* Once you've added your files, select the reports for combining and other relevant parameters

* Next you will be prompted to login to your other selected company file.

* Once the above step is completed, there will be a screen for you to enter a file name which will be created for combined reports along with the location it will be exported to.

* As the file is saved in Reckon Accounts Hosted, go to the floating toolbox and select the option to download the file

* Select the report file that you saved for Combined Reports and click Open

* Your file will be downloaded to your local PC which you can then open and use.

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