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From Reckon Portal side navigation, click Account then Staff.

When a book is first created, you will be the only user and by default be assigned an Administrator role. You can add other people within the business to the Portal so they can access your books. You can choose which books they have access to via a bulk selection. Note: You wouldn’t use this to add third parties e.g. bookkeeper or accountant.


Users are now added via the Portal Dashboard and can be also be added to multiple books. They must have created a profile on the Portal before they can be added to a book.
For staff to be added, they MUST have a valid Reckon Customer Portal account. Search "Creating a Portal account" for instructions.

Adding Staff

To add a new user click Add staff.



Complete the email address (or username if known) of the staff member, and select Portal Role using the drop down > select Admin or User

The Roles at this level are whether they are Admin or a User in the Portal. 


Click Next.


It will prompt you to the User Permissions screen with a list of Application Permissions for the user. This screen is used to assign a role for the user. To assign a role, click next on the Edit pencil symbol on the same line item for the selected book.


It will prompt you to the User Permissions screen, where you can select the assigned role for that user. Select the tick box next to the role you wish to assign to the user. Then Save.



Once saved the staff member will have access to the book in Reckon One so be sure the correct role and permissions has been granted.


Removing a Staff

To remove the user’s access to the book, go to the Customer Portal > Account > Staff


Click on on the same row as the user, then Remove


This will remove access to the book but they will still exist as an active staff member within Reckon Portal.

Sharing a book

An end user may want to share their book with their bookkeeper and/or accountant, or an app developer. Sharing the book with a third party will only give them access to the book, rather than giving them access to the end user’s portal.

To share a book with a third party, go to the Reckon Portal > My Products > Reckon One and click  choose Share with…



Then select User. Complete the email address or username of the third party user.



Then click Next.


Then you can assign the Role(s) you want the user to have within the book and Save. Once completed, you can either Share with Another User or click Done.


Once saved the user will have access to the book in Reckon One so be sure the correct role and permissions have been granted.

Un-sharing access  

To un-share the book or edit permissions for the third party user, click  then Share with… > select User or Partner.


In the Share with user screen, select View current shares


Click on on the same row as the user and click on Unshare.


When promoted to “Remove Share Access – Are you sure?”, select OK.



Sharing with a Partner

End Users may also share their book with an existing Reckon Partner (i.e. accountant, bookkeeper or advisor). All that is required is the Reckon Partner ID.

To share a book, first step is to go to the Reckon One dashboard in the Reckon Portal. Click  and Choose Share with…

Then select Partner.


You have the option to Find a partner or to enter the partner ID and link your book.


If you’re unsure of the partner ID or need assistance with Reckon products, you may use “Find a partner” to find your advisor, or a Reckon Partner near you!


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