Selecting - Reckon One API v2

All Reckon One API V2 GET endpoints allow you to select which fields you want to see in the result, whether you are getting a list of something or just a single resource.

This is added to the URL as a query string parameter:


👆 The above example will return a list of ledger accounts that will include just the id, name and status fields.

This applies equally to getting a single ledger account, for example:


👆 The above will get the id, name and status fields for the single account (if it exists).

Some more examples, selecting nested fields:


👆 The above will get the id, claimnumber and all lineitems , including nested fields, but for the nested ledgeraccount and item, it will just get the name.


👆 The above will get the id, claimnumber top-level fields and then, for each object in the lineitems array, it will get just the ledgeraccount name and the item name. No other fields will be returned.


👆 The above will get all tax codes and their properties.

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Sorting - Reckon One API v2

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