Cannot restore an AutoBackup of my last pay through Payroll Premier Recovery Wizard

Legacy KB ID: 3634


Why can’t I see the AutoBackups that Payroll Premier creates after my payruns in the Payroll Premier Recovery Wizard?


AutoBackups have been created and are saved in the backup directory: 

Payroll Premier 2020/21: C:\QPRollV29\Backup

Payroll Premier 2019/20: C:\QPRollV28\Backup



1.    In Windows Explorer, go to the backup directory C:\QPRollvxx\Backup

xx denotes the version. See above.

a.    Your autobackup files are stored in the format

b.    there will be up to 9 backups for a file, and n is a sequential number from 1 to 9.

2.    Use the Date Modified column to identify the most recent backup – this backup will be of your last payrun;

3.    Left click it once and then right-click and select Rename;

4.    Change 00n to QPB and click on Enter.

You can now restore this backup through Payroll Premier’s normal restore function.


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