Server busy error appears when creating a new company file on Reckon Accounts Hosted.

Legacy KB ID: 4747


Why do I get the error:  “Server Busy – This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy.  Choose ‘Switch To’ to activate the busy program and correct the problem”?  I click Switch To but the error comes back.


You are likely to encounter this problem when creating a new company file during a period of exceptionally high usage of Reckon Accounts Hosted. 

At various times during the setup process Reckon Accounts must wait for a response from the Operating System before continuing.  If the wait time exceeds the in-built default time for a response, this error is generated.  If you click ‘Switch To’ or ‘Retry’, the command must wait in queue for a response, and if the default time for response is exceeded the error will be generated again.



Wait a couple of minutes and click ‘Retry’.  If the Server Busy error is received again, wait a couple of minutes and click ‘Retry’ again. 

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