User denied access to payroll data can view payroll data from a Financial Report

Legacy KB ID: 4910


I have denied a User access to payroll data, but as this user can view company financial reports, they can view payroll data from drilling down from Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet reports.  How can I stop them from viewing this payroll detail?


A User with permissions to Sensitive Financial Data has permissions that may override other permissions.  A user denied access to payroll features can see payroll data from their rights to reports like Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. 



Reckon Accounts Business (formerly QuickBooks) Enterprise edition (including Reckon Accounts Hosted) provides a finer definition of permissions.  You can set a Role to disallow viewing Detail.

To do this go to Company>Users>Set up Users and Roles>Role List>

1.    Create a new Role for Financial Reporting Only by copying the currently used Role:

a.    Highlight a Role > Duplicate;

b.    Give it a new Name;

c.    Role Access > Area and Activities > Reports;

d.    For Company & Financial > Company & Financial Detail, select None;

e.    For Custom Transaction > Custom Transaction Detail, select None;

f.     Click OK and Close.

2.    Go to the User List and assign the new Role to the User. 

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