Commonwealth Bank - Completing the Authorisation Form

The Commonwealth bank are very thorough when it comes to approving Authorisation Forms.

To ensure that your form doesn't get rejected and there are no delays in processing, please ensure that prior to uploading the completed form that it follows the below criteria:

  • All fields have been completed
  • There is no combination of typed and handwritten information related to account details. This means you can't handwrite additional accounts into the form. (You currently need to lodge one form per account, this will be addressed in a future release)
  • The signature, needs to be hand-signed, if there is any sign that it is a digital signature the form will be rejected.
  • Any alteration to handwritten text needs a full signature next to it.
If the completed form does not match any of the above criteria it will be rejected and will cause delays in getting the Feed activated.

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