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FAQ - Reckon Cloud POS

Why can’t I see Delete button in Customers and Inventory?

This happens when your Store is connected with Reckon Accounts Hosted to keep the data integrity.

Why can't I Import the item list in a template? It is giving me the error, "Error at line 2: Suppier Price (10.566) is not a number. Please enter a valid number."

This is because you have entered the three decimal places in the price coloumn. Reckon Cloud POS only accepts upto two decimal place. Please edit the price in your import file to 2 decimal place and try importing again.

Why can't I Import the item list in a template? I get an error, "Tax Rate (10%) should be a number or left empty. Please delete the entry or enter a valid number."

This is because you have entered the percentage symbol next to the tax rate in the 'Tax rate' coloumn in your import file. Please remove the percentage symbol from the import file and try again.

Exported items from cloud POS does not separate in columns in Excel.

I have exported the item list from Reckon Cloud POS as CSV file. When I open it on Excel, all the data are listed under the single column and not separated into a different column. How can I display it in separate columns? It is the settings of Excel. You can change the settings in Excel to display it on separate coloumns, following the below steps. Open the CSV file in Excel. Select all the columns (shortcut: click on the arrow icon at the top left corner of your sheet) Go to Data tab. Click on 'Text to columns' Select 'Delimited' and Next. Under Delimiters, tick the option for 'Tab' and 'Comma'. Go Next. 7. Leave the Column data format as General and hit Finish.

Why has my item name has added extra Double Quote symbols in its name after the import from CSV file? So, my item name should be Ceiling Fan 25" but shows like "Ceiling Fan 25""" after the import, in Reckon Cloud POS.

The issue occurs if you have double quote symbol (inch symbol) in the item name field in your import file. We are aware of the issue and looking into it. Please edit the item name manually after import within Cloud POS for now as workaround.

I have entered the SKUs (barcodes) in the template for import. However, they are importing incorrectly, as in wrapped up value (Exponent value, scientific notation). How do i get it to import as the actual barcodes that I have entered in the template file?

This is due to the Excel changing the format of your data in that cell. By default, Excel changes the number format to scientific notation (or exponent format), for the large numbers and when such file is imported, it is imported as scientific notation. You will have to import item list again, after correcting the import file, to import the SKU (barcode) as text value. Follow the below steps in Excel to change the data to text format: 

  • Open the import CSV file in Excel.
  • Highlight the coloumn 'Item SKU' Right click on the coloumn and select Format Cells.
  • Select 'Text' from the number tab, and press OK and out.
  • Now enter the SKU or Barcode again and it should stay correctly
  • You can now import the file again.

Can a Customer bill-split using different (or the same) payment methods?

Yes they can. This is how... Complete the transaction and press Checkout.

  • Select the first method the customer wishes to use, say cash in this example.
  • Select Charge & No Receipt Enter, for example, “$4” as payment and press Split.
  • Because there is an Open Cash Drawer option selected in Management System, you will receive this browser’s print window (nothing to worry about.... just sending the open cash drawer command to the receipt printer)
  • Now the remainder of the transaction will display where you can either pay using a different (or the same) payment method or leave the Order as Open.
  • For this example, we have selected Leave Order Open.
  • When other customers on the same "bill" are ready to pay, find the order by going to the Receipts tab.
  • If you have many transactions, you can filter the orders By Type.
  • Click on the transaction to retrieve it, and select a payment method (eg. EFTPOS)
  • Now print a receipt (or choose to print no receipt)
  • Now the receipt is showing as closed transaction and the type is Receipt.
  • The receipt will look similar to this...

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Delete Inventory

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