Enabling the Business Centre after it has been disabled

Legacy KB ID: 4793


Why don’t I have a Business Centre in my Home & Business after upgrading to the current version?  How do I restore it?



If the upgrade process experiences some interference, the upgraded file may lose some features, like the Business Centre. 

If you have not processed any transactions or made significant changes to the file, then you should upgrade the file once again. 

If you have made significant changes to your file so that re-upgrading is no longer an option, follow these instructions


Step 1.  Check that file was once setup for Business Centre

1.    Tools > Personalise ReckonAccounts (Quicken) -  is Business Centre unticked?

Notice that it is in the section that the status cannot be changed

2.    Tools > Account List > View Accounts

Under Business Tax Accounts you should see *Tax Control* with a current balance and a Description Tax to pay/receive

Your file was once properly configured or the Business Centre.


Step 2.  To enable the Business Centre again we need to remove the transactions in the *Tax Control* account

1.    Edit > Find & Replace > Recategorise;

2.    In the Look in box, select Transactions;

3.    In the Find Category box, select [*Tax Control*];

4.    Click on Find All;

5.    Tick the box Show matches in split;

6.    Lower down the window click on Mark All;

7.    At the bottom of the window in the Recategorise selected transaction(s) with: field, enter a new category like Recategorise Tax;

8.    Click Recategorise and then Done to transfer the entries in *Tax Control* to this new account.


Step 3.  Delete the *Tax Control* Account:

1.    Tools > Account List > View Accounts

2.    Right-click Tax control under Business Tax Accounts and select Delete

3.    Type yes where indicated and click OK.


Step 4.  Enable the Business Centre:

1.    Tools > Personalise ReckonAccounts (Quicken);

2.    Tick the Business Centre and click OK;


Step 5.  Generate a new *Tax Control* account

Create a dummy Business Account and process one dummy transaction with a tax code attached.  The *Tax Control* Account will be generated and should appear in the left hand pane.  You can also see it in Tools > Account List > View Accounts.


Step 6.  Transfer the original *Tax Control* account entries back to the new *Tax Control*

1.    Edit > Find & Replace > Recategorise;

2.    In the Look in box, select Transactions;

3.    In the Find Category box, select Recategorise Tax;

4.    Click on Find All;

5.    Tick the box Show matches in split;

6.    Lower down the window click on Mark All;

7.    At the bottom of the window in the Recategorise selected transaction(s) with: field, enter [*Tax Control*];

8.    Click Recategorise and then Done to transfer the entries in *Tax Control* to this new account.


Your file now has full functionality of the Business Centre.


How did we do?

Basic troubleshooting to correct data file damage

Audit My Tax Categories option is missing in the Category List

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