My company file is taking longer to open and process transactions. TLG file needs resetting.

Legacy KB ID: 4024


My Account Business (previously QuickBooks) company file is taking longer to open and process transactions.

I found that there is another large file accompanying my company data file (*.QBW) with an identical name to my company data file yet has a (.TLG) file extension.

What can I do about it? Is it safe to remove? Should I delete it? Can it be reset to improve performance?


Backup your company file with the Full Verification option selected.

The Issue:

The file with the TLG file extension (Transaction Log) that accompanies your company data file (e.g. yourcompanyfile.qbw.tlg) is a special file that may be of assistance in recovering a corrupted data file.

Deleting the TLG file is NOT recommended unless you have recently performed a full Accounts Business backup with complete verification.

This (*.TLG) file logs the changes to your company file since the last full Account Business (previously QuickBooks) backup was carried out.

If you have not used the Account Business (previously QuickBooks) backup function for a long time (for instance, the file is backed up by a third-party backup application) then this file may end up being quite large.

A (*.TLG) file with a size greater than 25% of your company data file (*.QBW) may be considered quite large.

To reset theTLG file:

Make a backup of your company file using the Accounts Business backup function with the option of a ‘Complete verification (recommended)’ selected.

Once Reckon Accounts performs the backup of the file with Complete Verification option selected, it will reset the TLG file, and therefore enhances the performance of the file.

Additional Information:

You may delete the *.TLG through Windows Explorer, but once it is deleted, you will not have access to the information it contains from the previous backup to the time the *.TLG file was deleted.

Please also refer to this community post for further information

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