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Office Integration changes in Reckon Accounts Hosted

The following lists all the changes implemented from Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 onwards, released to all Hosted users by 11 November 2023.


Export tips

Previously, Reckon Accounts had the option to “Include a new worksheet in the workbook that explains Excel worksheet linking”.

This has now been removed.

When exported, it adds a Reckon Accounts Export tips sheet that contains pointers. This is now available here instead regarding the Worksheets:




  1. For new workbooks, exported data will be contained on Sheet1
  2. Exporting to existing workbook, exported data will be placed in front of the last active sheet where it will be named "SheetX" using the next available number in the series.

Setting up links between 2 or more worksheets to link up between Summary report and customised sheets

  1. Choose one sheet as your source worksheet into which you'll export Reckon Accounts data. Then create another worksheet where you can customise your data and link the Reckon Accounts data between that sheet and the source worksheet.
  2. Export your source data to an existing worksheet and overwrite the current data so that the new data is used by any links and formulas.
  3. Create links between a Reckon Accounts data worksheet and another worksheet in the workbook.

Be aware that any difference in the structure of the current report from the report that you used when setting up links, can cause mismatch in the links between worksheets. If you are seeing wrong data in your customised worksheet, then you may have:

  1. Moved or deleted elements, or changed the structure of the report in some way. For example:
    1. You might have moved or deleted items from item list which gets used in a report like Inventory Valuation report.
    2. You might have moved or deleted accounts from accounts list which gets used in a report like Profit and Loss standard report.
  2. You are using a report related to accounts and have account(s) with no activity associated and did not choose to display "All rows".
  3. Deleted exported data sheet which serves as data source.

Auto Outline

Previously, Reckon Accounts had the option to use “Auto Outline (allows collapsing / expanding)”. This is an Excel feature that groups the data based on depth-level.

The same option can be found in Microsoft Excel by going to Data > Outline > Group > Auto Outline.

This has now been removed as we are unable to replicate this feature.

Protected View


With the new spreadsheet integration, files downloaded from Reckon Accounts Hosted may automatically be protected. A Protected View is basically a read-only mode where most editing functions are disabled. This feature is to help protect your computer from files downloaded from the Internet.

Checking the Properties of the file will have the following additional Security attribute under the General tab.

The Unblock checkbox will disable the Protected View when selected.

When the file is opened and the Security is not changed, it will require the user to select the Enable Editing option so that:

  1. Users can modify the spreadsheet file
  2. For any formulas to perform the automatic calculations
  3. To use the local printer settings

Export to an existing sheet

You can import reports from Reckon Accounts Hosted to an existing spreadsheet from either an XLS or XLSX file type.

However, take note of the following:



Standard XLS file type


Duplicates the spreadsheet to an XLSX file type.

Standard XLSX file type


Protected Sheets without a Password


Protected Sheets with Password


Protected Workbook without a Password


Protected Workbook with a Password



Country and ABN

Two new fields are now available to support importing of Customer records with a business registration number.

  1. Country – to specify the country's name as seen from the Country dropdown.
  2. Tax Reg Number – to specify the business registration number of the entity.

Previously, it uses the Resale Number field, but it defaults to the Country: USA. If the import file contains an ABN, it will fail to import, giving the following error:

In the new version, the addition of the two new fields will alleviate the above issue and ensures that the Customer record can be successfully imported with the correct data.

XLSX File Type

For any Lists or Reports that are to be exported using the Spreadsheet icon or Export button respectively, the Export window will be displayed on screen.

Clicking on the Export button will display the 'Export to file' window where the default File name and Save as type will now be *.XLSX and *.XLSX Files (*.XLSX) respectively.

Have a look at the format comparison table below:




Excel 97 to Excel 2003

Excel 2007 and later




This is relative to the report size. The bigger the report, the smaller the size.



Slightly slower


Readable by any version

Only readable by Excel 2007 and later





  • Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)
  • None segmented
  • Office Open XML format based
  • More robust – reduce data loss due


Executes embedded code (or macros) by default

More secure and transparent


Supports up to 65,536 rows and 256 columns

Supports up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns

Reckon Financial Statement Designer (RFSD)

The ability to export to Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word within Reckon Financial Statement Designer (RFSD) is no longer available.

The ability to export using PDF is still available

When selecting the Reckon Financial Statement Designer option in Hosted, it will give the following dialogue that navigates to this topic.

Please note that the ability to export to Word and Excell from the RFSD is still available in the Desktop version.

If you use this feature, produce your report locally as a workaround by downloading your Company File and opening it from your Desktop version.

To use the Reckon Financial Statement Designer locally:

  1. Install the Reckon Accounts Enterprise in your Desktop with the same year version.
    Contact Customer Service or log in to Reckon Member's Site to obtain the download link and Installation Key Code (IKC).
  2. Create a backup of your Company File then download and save it locally.
  3. Restore the backup on your Reckon Accounts Desktop.
  4. Then, go to Reports > Reckon Financial Statement Designer and use it as per normal.


File Type

Different document file format is now supported with the Office integration changes in Reckon Accounts Hosted.

By default, letters generated from Hosted will be saved as a DOC file type.

However, you can change the file type of your document simply by appending the file type, for example, with .pdf. This will generate the document as a PDF file.

Supported Formats




Microsoft Word 97 – 2007 Document


Microsoft Word 97 – 2007 Template


Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free)


RTF format


ODF Text Document


Plain Text


Adobe Portable Document format

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"The file format and extension of <FILENAME> don't match." when opening a spreadsheet from Hosted

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