Office Integration changes with Reckon Accounts Hosted

Checkmark and/or asterisk mark for Cleared transactions are not exporting correctly in Reckon Accounts Hosted

About. REFERENCE : RH-3699 In Reports or Accounts register, there is a column to mark transactions as cleared for reconciliation. A checkmark (✔) means that you marked the transaction as cleared when…

Known Errors when importing from a spreadsheet

Items. ERROR ACTION Account/Income Account: The specified Account does not exist in the list. Import the Account List first. Create the relevant Account or Income Account. A posting account must be s…

Excel and Word reference changes in Reckon Accounts Hosted

The following changes are inline with the Microsoft Trademark guidelines in the use of the references for Microsoft Office. In order for Reckon Accounts to abide with these guidelines, we have relabe…

Time duration does not calculate the Totals in an exported Time by Job report from Reckon Accounts Hosted

REFERENCE : RH-3701 Issue. This issue is still being investigated and may be fixed in future releases. In the Time by Job reports, the Duration column contains the time spent on various jobs for each…

"The file format and extension of <FILENAME> don't match." when opening a spreadsheet from Hosted

ISSUE. When opening a spreadsheet file downloaded from Reckon Accounts Hosted, it returns the following error: Microsoft Excel The file format and extension of ’<FILENAME>.xls’ don't match. The file…

Office Integration changes in Reckon Accounts Hosted

The following lists all the changes implemented from Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 onwards, released to all Hosted users by 11 November 2023. Spreadsheets/Workbooks. Export tips. Previously, Reckon Acc…

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