Why do 1A and G1 in the BAS not agree with my tax reports?

Legacy KB ID: 941


I track tax on a cash basis. Why do 1A and G1 in the BAS not agree with my tax reports? 1A and G1 are both incorrect by the same amount.


If you have used a service items with a negative percentage instead of a dollar rate on invoices or cash sales (eg. as a discount). In this case, 1A and G1 will be incorrect.

The usual reason for using service items in this way would be to give a discount on the sale. We recommend you use a discount type of item instead. See "items, types described" in the Reckon accounts help file.

Once you've set this discount item according to the help file, you'll need to delete the associated payment(s) towards this invoice;

  1. Locate the invoice and click the History button on the invoice screen, this will show the payments.
  2. Double click on each one, note down the payment details (Date, amount, memo etc.) and delete by holding the Ctrl key and click D on the keyboard.
  3. Accept the message "Are you sure you want to delete?" by clicking OK.

Next you'll need to change any of these offending service items to the new discount item that you have setup above;

  1. Simply click on the item column where the service item appears and change to the discount item
  2. Click Save & Close to save the changes.
  3. You should now regenerate the payment towards this invoice (follow the normal procedure in receiving payments), not forgetting to backdate the transaction and assign the correct information as it appeared previous to deleting it.

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How did we do?

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