Having two online Bank Accounts with the same Account numbers

Legacy KB ID: 419


How do I create an ABA file when I use a Payroll Clearing Account with the same account number as my main bank account?


Reckon Accounts can only have one bank account with a particular account number. 

As the ABA file processes information a little differently to Reckon Accounts Business it is possible to “fool” Reckon Accounts and successfully create ABA files from two bank accounts with the same number.

In your second bank account, under the Online Bank Details tab, add a character into the BSB number to make it different to the first bank account. For example, you can make 012-001 into 012*001 or 012#001 so that when you create the ABA file, the special character will be replaced with a ‘ – ‘. 

Note: BankData import can only tolerate numbers in the BSB and Account Number fields.

In the bank account receiving BankData transactions, the BSB field must be in the format 123456. The other bank account must be configured with the differentiating character.

If you are unable to save this change, you need to make the change in an IIF file.

  1. Click on File, Utilities, Export and then Lists to IIF Files
  2. In the Export Window, tick Chart of Accounts and click OK
  3. Name the file and save to your Desktop
  4. Open the IIF file with Excel
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the file to the !QB ONLINE section
  6. For your second bank account, enter in the modified BSB number in the ROUTNUM column – that is 012*001 or 012#001
  7. If you do not have a second bank account, copy the first bank account to the second line then change the ACCNT field to your second bank name and the ROUTNUM field to the modified BSB number. 
  8. Save the file, ensuring you keep the IIF format. 
  9. In Accounts Business, import the IIF file:
    1. Click on File, Utilities, Import and then IIF Files
    2. Select the IIF file
    3. Check your second bank account – it should have the modified BSB number. 

If this process fails to change the BSB number, create a new ‘second’ account.

  1. Turn off online access to the ‘second’ account
  2. Rename the existing ‘second’ account to another name
  3. Create a new ‘second’ account with the original name
  4. Change the other name back to the original name
  5. Choose Yes when asked Do you want to merge the two accounts.
  6. Turn on online access and enter the modified BSB number
  7. If necessary, change the BSB number in the IIF file

For QuickBooks 2009/10 and earlier users:  merging bank accounts will remove reconciliation tags.

Note for Accounts Business Online users

When creating an IIF file ensure that you save it to your local PC and not the desktop of Reckon Accounts Online. You can save the file to your local Desktop at:

  • Windows 10 & 11 - "This PC", then Local Disk C:\Users\<username>\Desktop
  • Windows 7 & Vista - C on <your computer name>:\Users\<username>\Desktop\
  • Windows XP - C on <your computer name>:\Documents & Settings\<username> \Desktop\

Alternatively, you can save it directly to the C:\ drive of your local PC.


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