Remittance Advice in a foreign amount still has an A$ symbol.

Legacy KB ID: 5262


Why do Remittance Advices in foreign currencies still show an A$ symbol and not the relevant foreign currency symbol?


Blank out the Currency Symbol in currency List


The Issue

Remittance Advices in Reckon Accounts 2015 and above have been configured to show the Australian currency symbol only.


Workaround 1 – blank out the Currency Symbol

1.    Lists > Currency List

2.    Double click on Australian Dollar

3.    Delete A$ in the Currency Symbol box

4.    Click OK to save

Your Remittance Advice will show no currency symbol with the amount.


Workaround 2 – replace the Currency Symbol

1.    Lists > Currency List

2.    Double click on Australian Dollar

3.    Delete A$ in the Currency Symbol box and replace it with a Symbol for your foreign currency – eg: US$; JY; EU; etc

4.    Click OK to save

5.    Send Remittances in that currency

6.    Repeat these steps for each currency you wish to send in

7.    When complete, set the Australian Dollar symbol to either A$ or blank.


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