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Reckon Accounts Hosted: Migration Assistant: Completion page

Completion Page

The Completion page is the final page for the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant.

This is the last step of the STP Phase 2 setup that instructs users of the next steps:

  • Click the Finish button below to close the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window
  • The session will be marked as completed but would be available for resumption
  • The Employee and Payroll Item data would need to be imported back to your Company File

Important Notes
The Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant does not include assistance in the Tax Tracking Type update to Lump Sum E and Salary Sacrifice.

This would have to be performed within Reckon Accounts by going to Lists > Payroll Item List.


  1. Help icon – navigates to STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant
  2. Exit button – saves the session and closes the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window
  3. Back button – return to the previous page: Prepare Leave Items
  4. Finish button – closes the Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant window

Next Steps

  1. Click Finish on the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant and the following dialogue will appear to highlight the next steps. Clicking OK will close the application.

  1. Back in Reckon Accounts, go to Employees menu > STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant
  2. Click on Complete STP Phase 2 Setup. This will pull the updated Employees and Payroll Item List from the Migration Assistant.

  1. When successful, it will return the following dialogue:

  1. It will update your Employee details based on the setup performed for each employee

Migration Assistant

Reckon Accounts

  1. It will update your Payroll Item's Tax Tracking Type based on the setup performed for each payroll item

Migration Assistant

Reckon Accounts

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Migration Assistant: Prepare Leave Items

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