How do I enter credit card purchases?

Legacy KB ID: 141


How do I enter credit card purchases?


If you have one or more credit card accounts, you can enter all your credit card purchases and credits by using one convenient form.

To enter a credit card charge:

  1. From the Activities menu, choose Enter Credit Card Charges.
  2. In the Credit Card field, choose the credit card you used for the transaction.
  3. In the Purchased From field, enter a supplier.
  4. If a purchase order exists for this supplier, you will be prompted to receive against it. Select Yes in the Open PO's Exist window if you want to receive against a PO.
  5. Enter the amount of the charge in the Amount field. Continue to the next appropriate section.

If the inventory/purchase order feature is NOT active, fill in the detail area of the window as follows:

  1. In the Account field, enter the expense account you're applying all or part of the charge amount to.
  2. Fill in the Amount field.
  3. Fill in the Memo, Customer:Job, and Class fields where necessary.
  4. If you entered a customer in the Customer:Job field, indicate in the billable column (as indicated by the small invoice icon) whether to pass this charge through to the customer.
  5. Complete steps 1 to 4 for each detail line of the credit card.
  6. If the amounts in the detail area and on the receipt area above do not match, click Recalc.
  7. Click Next to record this charge and enter another one, or click OK to record the charge.
  8. Close the window.

To distribute your charge amount to items:

  1. Click the Items tab.
  2. If you created a purchase order for these items, make any necessary changes to the items listed in the detail area.
  3. If there is no purchase order for the items, or if you received additional items not on the purchase order, fill in the Item, Qty, and Class fields on the first available detail line.
  4. On each line, assign a Customer:Job if the items are for a specific customer or job.
  5. If you entered a customer in the Customer:Job field, indicate in the billable column (as indicated by the small invoice icon) whether to pass this charge through to the customer.
  6. If the amounts in the detail area and on the receipt, area above do not match, click Recalc.
  7. Click Next to record this charge and enter another one or click OK to record the charge and close the window.

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