After succesfully updating share prices online the value of all shares is $0.00

Legacy KB ID: 2800


Why following an update of share prices online do my share securities appear to have a value of $0.00?


There seems to be a issue with some files that are upgraded from CashBook where the Portfolio defaults to an invalid View.

  1. After updating share prices and currency rates in Quicken 2002 ensure that the View is set to 'Fundamentals' then click the 'Customise' button and select 'Customise current view'.
  2. In the Customise View dialog make sure that all accounts and securities are selected (ticked).
  3. Remove all column names from the 'Displayed Columns' list on the right hand side of the dialog by selecting them in the list and using the 'Remove' button.
  4. From the 'Available Columns' list choose: Price, Shares, Mkt Value, Cost Basis, Pre Tax Gain, Amt Invested and any others you would like to include in your Portfolio View.
  5. If desired, you can change the name of the View by highlighting the Name text and changing it to a new name, for example "My Portfolio View".
  6. Click OK. Following an online update, the Portfolio will now display figures under the customised View.

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