The company file needs to be updated message when opening a client’s company file

Legacy KB ID: 5020


Why can’t I open my client’s file?  I keep getting the warning:

The company file needs to be updated.  Please ask your ReckonAccounts Administrator to update the file.

I am on the latest version of Reckon Accounts Business.  Who is the ReckonAccounts Administrator?



Log in as the admin user of this company file and upgrade the file.


The Issue

You are getting this warning because your client’s file is an earlier version than yours.  To view the company file in your version you will need to upgrade it.  Only The Admin User can upgrade the file. 

The Admin User is the user who created the company file.  This user has certain rights other users with administrator rights do not have.  Upgrading a company file is one such right. 


Detailed Instructions

You need to consider how this file will be used after you complete your work with it.

1.    If you are only accessing information from the file and will not be returning it to the client with adjustments, you can upgrade the file. 

a.    Obtain from the client The Admin User credentials.

b.    Suggest the user changes his password to maintain security integrity.

2.    If you are making adjustments to the file and returning it to your client for them to continue using it, then either,

a.    Find out from the client was version and release number they are using.

                                          i.    In the company file, have the client press Ctrl+1 to open the Product Information screen;

                                         ii.    The first line will have full details of the Accounts Business version.  It will be like:

ReckonAccounts Premier: General Edition 2013 Release R2P

b.    And launch that same version and edition and open the company file.  There will be no message.  When you have finished your work you can return the file to the client with the changes. 

If you are using the Accountant’s Edition, a Premier level version, you can toggle to other editions.  Please note that you must still be on the same year version. 




c.    Ask the client to upgrade to your year version. 

                                          i.    Editions are also important (Plus, Pro, etc), but if you are using the Accountant’s Edition, a Premier level version, you can toggle to other editions.  Please note that you must still be on the same year version.  

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