Clean up Data process does not progress when you choose Remove ALL transactions

Legacy KB ID: 3874


Why won’t Reckon Accounts progress with the Clean up data process?  I have selected Remove ALL transactions, click on Next, choose Yes to continue and Reckon Accounts reverts to the Choose an Option screen.


You cannot remove all transactions in Clean up Data if you have any active online accounts.   An error screen is generated when you try to progress with removing all transactions and you are provided with the solution that you need to turn off all the online accounts before you proceed with removing the transactions



Turn off online access.


To turn off Online Access on a Bank Account

1.    Click on Lists > Chart of Accounts

2.    Right click your bank account that is enabled for online banking and select Edit Account

3.    Click on the Online Bank Details tab

4.    Uncheck the Online Access Account box and click on Save & Close

5.    Repeat for each bank account enabled for online access.


When all online accounts are turned off you can Clean up data with the Remove ALL transactions option.

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