After upgrading my data file, the item cost/sale price has changed?

Legacy KB ID: 935


After I upgraded my datafile, why have some item cost/sale price changed?


Reckon Accounts stores all prices as net, rounded to two decimal places.

When you upgrade your company file, the conversion from net to gross may result in slight adjustments to prices. Prices may be rounded up or down a cent. 

To correct this you will need to readjust your prices:

  1. Go to the Item List
    Click on the Lists menu, then Item List.
  2. Highlight the item you wish to adjust
  3. Select Item at the bottom of the Item List window, then from the options available, click on Edit Item.
    Alternatively, once you have selected the item, you can press the [ CTRL ] + [ E ] keys of your keyboard (for the keyboard shortcut) to edit.
  4. Edit the item's price.
  5. Click OK to make the adjustment

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