Viewing or changing your payroll mobile plan

This article explains how to view and change your payroll mobile plan.

Customers who are subscribed to a Reckon One plan (and who receive access to the payroll mobile app as part of that plan) are not able to change their Reckon One plan on the app. Learn how to change a Reckon One plan.

Viewing your plan

  1. Sign in to the mobile app.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. View your plan and renewal date.

Changing your plan

  1. Sign in to the mobile app.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Plan.
  4. Review plans.
  5. (Optional) Select Compare plans to see a comparison.
  6. Select to upgrade or downgrade to your new plan.
  7. Review subscription details and confirm.
Changing plans will not remove data from your app or associated Reckon One book. However, if you downgrade your plan, you will lose access to data created using features that were only available on the higher level plan. For example, if you were on a plan that allowed you to create employee timesheets in Reckon One, and then you downgrade to a plan that doesn't, you will not be able to see any timesheets you created in Reckon One on that higher level plan. To see these timesheets again, you would need to upgrade your plan again.

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Purchasing a payroll mobile subscription

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