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Payroll settings overview - Reckon One


Before you start using Reckon One payroll, we recommend you go to the Payroll settings section to set your book up.

Go to Payroll, then Payroll settings.

General settings

Pay run preferences

Default option for pay items when creating pay run

You can decide if you want to create pay runs using the default pay items in employee record's pay setup or copy pay items from the last pay run.

Pay run preferences with Use pay items from employee's pay setup selected as default.

Automatically reduce OTE hours by the hours of leave

If you want to reduce the OTE (Ordinary Time Earnings), select the checkbox. Please note that it will affect full time and part time employees only.

Pay run preferences with the Automatically reduce OTE hours by the hours of leave checkbox highlighted.

Please note that:

  1. The OTE hours will be reduced in the pay run when any leave hours (Annual, Personal etc.) are entered.
  2. If there are multiple OTE pay items entered in the employee's pay, the first pay item hours will be reduced.
  3. If there are insufficient hours to reduce from the OTE pay item, then the hours will be set to 0.
  4. The OTE hours will not be recalculated when an existing leave item on the employee's pay run has been modified. You will have to manually update the OTE hours.
  5. The OTE hours will not be reduced when the Cash out option is selected, or if the pay run is a termination pay.
Annual leave drawer in a pay run, showing the Cash out leave checkbox.

Payment defaults

If you want to round net pays, select a rounding amount for cash payments to employees and select the expense account for the allocation of the rounding amount. 

Payment defaults, showing No rounding selected by default.

Account defaults

Select the default account that will be used when creating pay items:

  1. Expense account
  2. Liability account
  3. Expense account for company super contribution
  4. Liability account for withholding amounts

These are defaults only and can be edited on the pay item. These are not required fields.

Company details

You will find your business details here based on the ABN and branch number that you entered when subscribing to Reckon One.

This section must be completed and saved before you can process a pay run. 

Please note that you cannot change the ABN and branch details. However, you can change other details, for example:

  1. Company name
  2. Legal name
  3. If you're registered employer of Working Holiday Makers
  4. Contact details (name, email address, contact number and address)

Bank accounts

Manage your bank accounts so you can use them in your pay runs and generate ABA files to pay your employees.

Bank accounts in Payroll settings.

Email verification

To be able to continue accessing Reckon One, you will need to verify the email address that was used to sign up.

Superannuation funds

You will need to configure Super funds to be able to assign a fund product to employees to meet your superannuation obligations.


Default bank accounts

You can select the default bank accounts to be used for these transaction types:

  1. EFT payment
  2. Cash payment
  3. Superannuation
These are defaults only and can be edited on the pay item. These are not required fields.

Automatic payments

When this option is selected, payment transactions will be created automatically once a pay run is marked as paid. You will then be able to generate ABA files for employees that will get paid via electronic fund transfer (EFT).

Automatic payments with Make payments automatically after each pay run checkbox checked.


Manage suppliers that you link to pay items (e.g. union fees) to track the amounts you need to pay.

Create new supplier

  1. Click on Create supplier.
  2. Enter all the supplier's name and bank details (optional).
  3. Click Create.

Edit a supplier

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Suppliers.
  2. Find the supplier and click on the pencil icon to Edit️.
  3. Make changes as required.
  4. Click Save and close.
Suppliers screen with pencil icon highlighted to edit a supplier.

Delete a supplier

  1. From the Supplier's list, click on the ellipsis menu (3 dots), then select Delete.
  2. Click Yes, delete on the confirmation message.
Suppliers screen with ellipses menu and Delete option highlighted.

Pay schedules

Pay schedules allow you to streamline the pay run process. You can create pay runs more efficiently and reduce any potential mistakes with selecting dates or employees.

Pay items

Pay items help categorise and customise the way you pay employees. Note that an item cannot be disabled or marked inactive when it has been used in a draft pay run or assigned to an employee.

Pay items include:

  1. Earnings
    1. Ordinary time earnings (OTE): Amounts paid to employees for their ordinary hours of work that are used to calculate the employer's super guarantee contribution.
    2. Overtime: Amounts paid to employees for hours worked over and above their ordinary hours of work.
    3. Bonuses and commissions: Amounts paid to employees for incentive-based activities that are generally in addition to their salary or wages.
    4. Directors' fees: Compensation paid for services performed as a company director.
    5. Variable: Amounts that are not OTE or overtime but included in gross earnings.
    6. Termination: Payments made as a result of a termination of employment.
  2. Allowances
    1. Cents per KM
    2. Award Transport Payments
    3. Laundry
    4. Overtime Meal Allowance
    5. Travel and Overseas Accommodation
    6. Tool Allowance
    7. Tasks
    8. Qualifications/Certificates
    9. Other
      1. General
      2. Home office
      3. Non-deductible
      4. Transport or fares
      5. Private vehicle
      6. Uniform
  3. Deductions
    1. Other
    2. Union/Professional Association Fees
    3. Workplace Giving
  4. Reimbursement
  5. Superannuation
    1. Super Guarantee
    2. Employer Additional
    3. Productivity
    4. Collective Agreement
    5. Salary Sacrifice
    6. Member voluntary
    7. Spouse deduction
  6. Leave
    1. Annual leave
    2. Personal leave
    3. Long service leave
    4. Other
      1. Paid Parental Leave
      2. Worker's Compensation
      3. Ancillary and Defence leave
      4. Time off in lieu
      5. Other
  7. Company contribution

Create pay item

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Pay items.
  2. Click Create pay item > select the type of pay item.
  3. Enter the details (type, account and other required details).
  4. Click Create.

Edit a pay item

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Pay items.
  2. Click on the relevant pay item type tab (Earnings, Allowance etc.)
  3. Find the pay item and click on the pencil icon to Edit.️
  4. Enter the details
  5. Click Save and close
Pay items screen with pencil icon highlighted to edit a pay item.

Delete a pay item

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Pay items.
  2. Click on the relevant pay item type tab (Earnings, Allowance etc.).
  3. Find the pay item and click on the Ellipsis button ... > select Delete.
  4. Click Yes, delete to the confirmation message.
Pay items screen with ellipses menu and Delete option highlighted.

Archive/Disable a pay item

  1. Go to Payroll, Payroll settings, then Pay items.
  2. Click on the relevant pay item type tab (Earnings, Allowance etc.).
  3. Find the pay item and click on the Ellipsis button ... > select Disable.
  4. Click Yes, disable to the confirmation message.

Reckon Mate invitations

You can invite your employees to use Reckon Mate, our free app that allows your employees to view their payslips, leave balances and pay summary.

Learn how to invite your employees to Reckon Mate.

Software ID

The ATO requires you to register your payroll software ID before submitting STP reports.

This section provides you with the steps you need to follow to register the Software ID with the ATO.

Software ID screen with software ID highlighted.

Single Touch Payroll

Check to see if you are using STP Phase 1 or STP Phase 2.

If you are still on STP Phase 1, you'll get the link to an easy-to-follow STP 2 Ready Checklist to switch.

Single Touch Payroll screen, with STP version highlighted.

Help and support

In this section, you will find useful links to:

  1. Our help site.
  2. Reckon Community.
  3. YouTube how-to playlist.
  4. Lodge a support ticket/contact details.
  5. Submit product suggestions and vote on ideas submitted by other users.
  6. Live chat.

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Creating and managing employee super funds in Reckon One

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