Reckon Accounts Desktop: Cannot Create or Replace ABA pages when opening the Online Banking Centre in Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 283


Why can't I access the Online Banking Centre to view and create ABA files in Reckon Accounts?


This is due to characters such as \ , /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, & and | that exists in your company name.

To edit your Company name

  1. From the Company menu, select Company Information...
  2. Edit the Company Name field and remove any of the characters mentioned above
  3. Click OK
  4. Restart Reckon Accounts

You will now be able to view and create ABA files via the Online Banking Centre.

Other Reason

Another reason why the error message is appearing is that the data file does not recognise the ABA file location.

To retrieve the ABA file location, you will need to:

  1. Open the default sample file [Sample Stadium Construction & Hardware Pty Ltd]
  2. Create an online(bank) transaction
  3. From the Banking menu, select Online Banking Centre
  4. Tick the Payee
  5. Click Create ABA File
  6. Save the ABA file to the default location on your computer:
    1. For Windows 10 & 8 - C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx\<version>20xx\<data file>\Export Files\ABA Files
  7. Close the sample file
  8. Open the previous data file and open the Online Banking Centre


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