When I enter a transaction through the Bank Register it doesn't report any data to the Tax Reports o

Legacy KB ID: 3060


Why when use a category that has an assigned usual tax code in a transaction, doesn't post any data to tax control account or any of the tax reports?


In order for a tax transaction to appear on the Tax Reports and/or post data to the tax control account, you need to open the Split Window from within the register. That is why Quicken Home and Business have that option selected by default when upgrading a data file or starting a new data file.

To make the Split Window appear automatically:

1) Select Edit > Preferences> Quicken program.
2) Click the 'Register' preference.
3) Place a tick next to 'Auto-open Splits Window for Tax Transactions' under Data Entry section.
4) Click 'Ok'.

For transactions that have already been entered that you wish to display in tax reports;
1) In the bank register find the transaction and click 'Split'.
2) In the Split window click 'Ok'.
3) Click 'Enter' in the register.

The transaction will now appear in the tax reports and it will also post the data to your tax control account.

How did we do?

Duplicate transactions appear in the tax control account

Clean Uninstall and Reinstall of Accounts Personal

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