Using Ozedi for SuperStream in Reckon One

This article explains how to process SuperStream with Ozedi Direct in Reckon One, making all your super contributions in a single electronic transfer called a batch.

Before using Ozedi Direct

Before you can process SuperStream with Ozedi Direct, you need to enable Ozedi first.

Creating a draft batch with Ozedi

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Select Add and complete all required fields.
    Add SuperStream batch
  3. Select Add SuperStream batch.
  4. The batch status will show as Draft.   

Lodging the batch with Ozedi

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Click on the batch to open it.
  3. Select Lodge via Ozedi.
    Lodge via Ozedi screen
  4. The batch status will now show as Lodged.
  5. Login to the OZEDI Portal to review and submit the batch via the clearing house.

Marking a batch as lodged

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Click on a batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch options, then Mark as lodged.
  4. The batch status will now show as Lodged.

Reverting a batch to draft

A batch can be reverted to draft when the status is Lodged.

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream.
  2. Click on the batch to open it.
  3. Select Batch options, then Make draft.
  4. The batch status will now show as Draft.

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