Error - Quickbooks could not install QB toolbars in Word

Legacy KB ID: 1949


Why do it get the message 'Quickbooks could not install QB toolbars in Word' when creating letters from QuickBooks?

(Old Product - QuickBooks replaced with a new product - RA Desktop Software)


Error message above appears when attempting to create Letters from Quickbooks. 

The QB toolbars did not install to Microsoft Word during the Quickbooks installation process. QB toolbars are necessary to generate Quickbooks Letters

Check the following -

Do you have the correct version of Microsoft Word that is required to integrate with Quickbooks and you are certain that your version of Word is operating correctly. 

If so, then you will need to uninstall and re-install Quickbooks in Safe Mode.

How did we do?

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Msvcirt.dll is linked to missing export msvcrt.dll

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