When removing or transferring shares in Reckon Personal (Quicken) my cash balance is being altered / changed

Legacy KB ID: 2697


Why is my cash balance being affected incorrectly in Reckon Personal (Quicken) when I use the 'remove shares transaction' feature in my investment account?


This can occur when you use the 'Enter Transaction' button in the 'investment register'.

To overcome this you will first need to remove the transactions that you created as well as removing the price history data for the day you created the transaction for. After the price history has been deleted re-enter the price history data for that if required. Then follow the information below

Remove – Shares Removed

1. Open your investment account register.

2. Rather than click on Enter transaction, click into the action field, and from the drop-down list available choose Removed.

3. Tab to the security field and select the appropriate share.

4. Tab to the Shares field and enter the number of shares required to be removed.

5. Hit Enter to save the transaction

Note: Your cash balance will now not be affected and your balances on reports will be reported correctly.

Shares Transferred Between Accounts 

Follow the steps in the top half about removing shares and then continue with the information below

1. In the account you want the shares to appear in click nter transaction

2. Select Add-Shares Added

3. Select the security name and Enter the number of shares and price paid

4. Click Enter/Done 

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