Reckon Accounts Desktop: A problem was encountered when trying to import your Accountant's Copy

Legacy KB ID: 4981


Why do I receive the error: Import Failed - A problem was encountered when trying to import your Accountant's Changes (QBY) in Accounts Business?


The error results from certain limitations in the Accountant Copy module - that mean Accountants should never perform any of these transactions: 

  1. Editing/adding tax amounts.
  2. Changing tax items in General Journal from Purchases Tax (e.g. NCG) to Sales Tax (e.g. GST).
  3. Modify an existing transaction.
    1. Workaround: enter a reversing transaction and then re-enter the transaction with the new details).
  4. Deposits to multicurrency deposits "out of balance errors".
    1. Workaround: enter these transactions directly into the original QBW file.
  5. Limit the number of entries to 250.

If these have occurred, you must ask your accountant to revert those changes.

If data needs to be input urgently, you can always cancel the pending Accountant's Copy changes by going into File > Accountant's Copy > Cancel Accountant's Changes.
Please note: Doing so will mean that, to attain further changes, you will need to create a new Accountant's Copy file and provide that to your accountant.

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Error: These changes do not match the current company and cannot be imported when attempting to import Accountant's changes in Reckon Accounts

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