SDK 6.1 2022 R1


We've released exciting new features and enhancements to v6.1 of the SDK that will help you get the best out of Reckon Accounts.

Support for Gross Amount

You can now pass the Gross amount instead of the Net amount for the Bill Credit transactions, in addition to the other transaction types that were added in SDK 6.1 2021 R2.

To be able to send Gross amounts, you will need to send <IsTaxIncluded> true </IsTaxIncluded> with your payload.

<IsTaxIncluded> is optional when you post your request to the supported transaction types. In the responses from the supported transaction types, you will notice the <IsTaxIncluded> qbXML tag within the transaction 'Ret' aggregate, for example, for Bill Credit queries, within the <VendorCreditRet>, even if you do not send this tag in your post. Please ensure that your app is able to handle the extra object in the response.

Supported request

  1. Add
  2. Query

To be able to post Gross amount, you will need to enable Allow tax inclusive (gross) prices and costs to be entered from Edit Preferences > Tax Company Preferences.


Bill Credit Add Request
<IsTaxIncluded>true</IsTaxIncluded> is included in the payload to tag the amount as Gross.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?qbxml version="6.1"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="continueOnError">
<FullName>Plastic Supplies</FullName>
<FullName>Accounts Payable</FullName>
<Memo>Bill from A.James glass and aluminium</Memo>
<FullName>Service Tax Absent</FullName>
<Desc>Service Item IsTaxIncluded not sent</Desc>

Bill Credit Query Request
<IsTaxIncluded>true</IsTaxIncluded> is included in the payload to tag the amount as Gross.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?qbxml version="6.1"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="continueOnError">
<VendorCreditQueryRq >

Bill Credit Query Response

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<VendorCreditQueryRs statusCode="0" statusSeverity="Info" statusMessage="Status OK">
<FullName>Accounts Payable</FullName>
<Memo>Sdktax included memo</Memo>

Resolved SDK Bug

The Add request issues when the default value is not passed in the <IsTaxIncluded> qbXML tag were fixed for the following transactions:

  • Sales receipts
  • Adjustment notes
  • Estimates
  • Sales orders
  • Purchase Order
  • Bill

How did we do?

SDK 6.1 2021 R1

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