Reckon Accounts Desktop: Customer currency does not match your currency error

Legacy KB ID: 3270


Why does the error "The customer currency does not match your currency" appear when entering a Sales Receipt?


This is due to the Tax Agency field being blank in the tax preferences of Reckon.

You will need to assign the "Australian Taxation Office" (or the "Inland Revenue Department" if using NZ) as the tax agency.

To change these preferences;

  1. Go to the Edit drop-down.
  2. Select "Preferences".
  3. Select Tax.
  4. Click Company Preferences.
  5. Assign the "Australian Taxation Office" in the "Tax Agency" field.
  6. Click "Ok"' to save these changes.

If you are still experiencing the error message, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Edit drop-down.
  2. Select "Preferences".
  3. Select Tax.
  4. Click Company Preferences.
  5. Locate the "Do you track tax" option, and select "No".
  6. Click "Ok" to save these changes.
  7. Go to the Edit drop-down.
  8. Select "Preferences".
  9. Select Tax.
  10. Click Company Preferences.
  11. Locate the "Do you track tax" option, and select "Yes".

This will refresh the tax tracking preferences.

Need more help? Reach out to us on the Reckon Community:

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