Mouse and TAB movements on Accounts Business are slow or behave erratically

Legacy KB ID: 5024


Why are mouse and tab movements on Accounts Business (formerly QuickBooks) very slow and sometimes behave erratically?  I have to wait a couple of seconds between clicks.



Turn off Ease of Access; set display to no higher than 100%, or, adjust screen resolution.


The Issue

This problem appears to be a compatibility issue between older programmes and newer operating systems that give the user greater flexibility in display settings.  Not all these settings can be accommodated by Accounts Business. 

The issue is more pronounced with Windows 8.

In general it is settings in Ease of Access and the size of text and other items in Display settings that can be problematic. 



Detailed Instructions

Turn off Ease of Access features:

a.    Control Panel > Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center.

b.    Select the first category, like: Make the computer easier to see.

c.    Clear the Turn on… check box. 

Repeat these steps for all features used.

Set Display to no higher than 100%:

a.    Control Panel > Display.

Click on smaller – 100% (default)

If problems persist, adjust the screen resolution:

Control Panel > Display > Adjust Resolution;

-- Click the dropdown box to Resolution:

                    i.    If resolution is high, drop it a notch;

                    ii.    If resolution is low, raise it a notch.

If problems persist and you have expanded the window to full screen, Restore Down your window (the middle of the 3 options in the top right corner), then drag out the window to nearly full screen size. 


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Fatal Error (M=1151, L=413, C=315, V=0(0))

Reckon Accounts Business has Performance issues in Virtual Machines Specially on MS Azure.

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