‘You do not have sufficient permissions to delete files from this folder...’

Legacy KB ID: 3856


Why can’t I open my company file across the network?  I get the error message:

You do not have sufficient permissions to delete files in the specified folder.   To use Reckon Accounts (formerly QuickBooks) in a multi-user environment you need to have read/write access and create delete rights to the folder where the company file is stored.


Give Full Control permissions to the QBDataService UserXX; or,

In a network environment, turn off Hosting on all Workstations except the Data Server. 


The Issue

This issue will arise if the unique Reckon Accounts user - QBDataService UserXX – does not have Full Control permissions to the folder in which the company file resides.

In a networked environment is may also occur if there are other workstations hosting multi-user access in addition to the Data Server.  In this situation you will be able to open the file from the File Server or Host Computer but not from other workstations. 


Give the QBDataService UserXX Full Control permissions to the Company File folder

(XX represents the version number of your Reckon Accounts: - 2016 = 25; …; 2013 = 22; ….. 2008/09 = 17; etc)

  1. Right click the folder containing the company file > Properties > Security
  2. (Windows 10, 8 and 7 users click on Edit)
  3. In the Group or user names section, highlight the QBDataService User for your version
  4. In the Permissions for Authenticated User  section, tick the Full Control box under Allow
  5. Click on Apply and then OK and OK to close the Properties box.   

Turn off Hosting multi-user access on other workstations

1.    Go to the Data Server or Hosting PC and check under File > Utilities that you see the option Stop hosting multi-user access;

1.    If you see Host multi-user access, click on it;


2.    Go to each Workstation and check under File > Utilities that you see the option Host multi-user access;

1.    If you see Stop hosting multi-user access, click on it.

Now test opening a company file from a workstation.

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/categories/reckonaccounts

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/

How did we do?

When opening my company file, I received a message to use the company from a mapped network drive. H

Error -6000, -301: An error occurred when Reckon Accounts tried to access the company file

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