'Transfer transactions' appear in the 'Expense graph' within the 'Overview' tab?

Legacy KB ID: 3114


Why do transfer transaction's appear in the 'Expense graph' within the 'Overview' tab?


When you scroll right then left this may happen due to the screen not refreshing.

To refresh your screen;
1. Minimise the report by selecting the minus sign button in the top right corner
2. Restore the report by clicking on the minimised window down the bottom of the
   Quicken main window

**If the above does not work continue below;

3. Close and Re-open Quicken

The date should now be present in on the left hand corner of the screen.

How did we do?

Unable to verify Network connection. Please start the network manually, or set it up for auto dial.

My Lot information is not accessable after restoring my data to new computer.

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