Column Filters

One of the best features in Reckon One is also one of its least known - column filters

In every list screen, you will notice a small funnel icon in each column header  By clicking on this icon you can filter the list by various parameters, depending on the column type, much like a spreadsheet, including ascending and descending sorting. 


If the column is a date you can search for a transaction on an exact date, or for transactions within a date range, as well as sorting in ascending or descending order.


If the column is a name (text) you can search for that text, or partial text in the list, as well as sorting in ascending or descending order.


If the column is an amount, you can search for amounts abovebelow, or equal to your filter, as well as sorting in ascending or descending order. 


If the column is a status, you can filter the list for all records that match that status. For example, in the transactions list screen you can filter for all transactions that are uncleared, as well as sorting in ascending or descending order by the status type. 

 When a filter is active, the icon will change to 

You can set multiple filters at once in a list. For example, you may filter invoices by a date range, and then the amount whilst maintaining the date filter. 

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