Export to Excel does not work

Legacy KB ID: 4697


When I export my report to Excel nothing happens.  No Excel file opens.  There is no warning or error message. 


You will experience this issue if your company file name contains a non-alphanumeric character

QuickBooks uses Windows Naming Convention for its fields.  The Windows Naming Convention reserves the following characters:

<  >  :  “  /  \  |  ?  *

You should also avoid the non-alpha-numeric characters on the first line of a keyboard above the numerals.  That is:

~  !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  (  )  +  =  `


Common usages that may cause problems are:

J & J Citizen (NSW) P/L        use:    J and J Citizen NSW PL, or,

J and J Citizen NSW Pty Ltd

¾” fine bung            use:    0.75in fine bung

Envelope #10           use:    Envelope No 10



Rename your company file without non alpha-numeric characters

1.    Create a backup of your company file then close QuickBooks;

2.    In windows Explorer, browse to your data folder

Default directory is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\ QuickBooks 20xx-xx\Company Files;

3.    Right-click your company file and select Rename;

4.    Type in a new name without alpha-numeric characters > Enter;

5.    Delete the and files associated with the old company name;

6.    Launch QuickBooks and open the company file with the new name.


Where other lists contain non-alpha-numeric characters, rename it without those characters. 

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Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/


How did we do?

Customer details missing after exporting from payroll.

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