Reckon Accounts Unrecoverable Error when trying to open Printer Setup

Legacy KB ID: 3931


Why does Reckon Accounts crash when I try to open the Printer Setup?


Your spool printer has become locked and Reckon Accounts crashes as it cannot process the print information.




Close Reckon Accounts.

Delete the Reckon Accounts print files

  1. In Windows Explorer browse to: Windows 10 & 8:  C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Reckon Accounts 20xx
  2. Delete qbprint.qbp and wpr.ini


Stop and restart the Print Spooler

Note:  By stopping and restarting the print spooler you will delete network printer installations on this PC.  You will need to reinstall your network printers.  If you are not confident of reinstalling your network printers, please see your Network Administrator.

  1. Windows Start button > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
  2. Highlight Print Spooler
  3. In the top left corner, click on Stop
  4. Then click on Start
  5. Close the Services module.


Restart Reckon Accounts and print again.


How did we do?

Default Printer changes to Reckon Accounts PDF converter after emailing.

The operation cannot be performed because the message has been changed error when emailing from RA

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