How do I apply an existing credit to an invoice?

Legacy KB ID: 414


How do I apply an existing credit to an invoice?


If you have already created a credit memo for a customer, follow these steps to apply the credit memo to an invoice.

If Sales/Invoicing Preference is set to automatically apply payments, then Reckon Accounts entered the credit amount on the payment field of the oldest outstanding invoice.

If Sales/Invoicing preference is not set to automatically apply payments, then select the specific invoice being credited.

To apply a credit amount to the oldest invoice:

1. From the Customers menu, choose Receive Payments.

2. Choose a customer’s name. The amount of the credit appears in the Existing Credits field.

3. Select the Apply Existing Credits check box to apply the credit amount to any invoice for this customer.

4. If the credit amount is not displayed next to the first invoice listed, click the Auto Apply button.

5. Click Save & Close.

To apply a credit amount to a specific invoice:

1. In the Receive Payments window, click the Clear Payments button if it is available.

2. Select the Apply existing credit check box, and then choose the invoice you want to pay by clicking in the check mark column next to the invoice being paid.

3. The amount of the credit should now appear in the payment column next to the invoice you have selected.

4. Click Save & Close.

Note: You need to be in Single-user Mode to change preferences.

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