Paying Super Payroll Liabilities through SuperStream in Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 5364


How do I pay the Payroll Liabilities associated with the super contributions that must now be paid to a SuperStream Clearing House?



Pay super payroll liabilities from a Bank Clearing Account and then transfer funds from your normal bank account to the clearing account to reduce it to zero.


The Issue

The procedural required for SuperStream export files means that super payroll items must be linked to the Super Funds the contributions will be ultimately paid.  This means they are listed individually in the Pay Payroll Liabilities module and separate payments made.  However, you now make only one payment for all the super contributions to your SuperStream Clearing House. 



Pay the super liabilities through a bank clearing account, then transfer the funds from your normal bank account to the clearing account.

  1. Create a Bank Clearing Account
  2. In Pay Payroll Liabilities, pay the super liabilities separately:
    1. Select your Bank clearing Account as the paying account
    2. Tick all super liabilities – take note of the total amount of the selection at the bottom of the table
    3. Create the payment – individual payments for each Super Fund will be created.
  3. Process other Payroll Liabilities
  4. Banking > Transfer, and transfer the amount noted in 2b from your normal bank account to your bank clearing account. 
  5. Check the Bank Clearing Account register to ensure the balance has been returned to zero.


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