"Your JSON object has some incorrect values" for my Payroll Premier 2023-24 STP submission in Reckon GovConnect


Why does Reckon GovConnect show "Your JSON object has some incorrect values." for an STP lodgement that I submitted from my Reckon Payroll Premier 2023/24 company file?


This issue occurs in Reckon Payroll Premier 2023/24 if you have one or more Allowance items in your pay run with a $0 value.

This issue was resolved within Reckon GovConnect, and Reckon Payroll Premier has been updated to address this issue via a new version of the rinb.exe file, which is now available.

After applying the fix, you will need to export your STP lodgements from your company file again for the pay runs that showed the error in Reckon GovConnect, and lodge it again for successful submission to the ATO.

  1. Before you get started, please ensure that Reckon Payroll Premier is closed ➡ IMPORTANT
  2. Download the rinb.exe and save it to a location on your computer, for example, Downloads
  3. Browse to C:\QPRollV32\Reports
  4. Right click on Rinb.exe > Rename
  5. Rename the file to "Rinb-old"
  6. Go to the location where you downloaded rinb.exe (from step 1), in our example, Downloads
  7. Right click on rinb.exe > Copy
  8. Browse to C:\QPRollV32\Reports
  9. Right click anywhere and select Paste (or press Ctrl + V)
  10. If the file name contains other characters, for example, rinb(2).exe, please remove them so that it's saved as rinb.exe.
  11. Open Reckon Payroll Premier > your company file
  12. Export the pay run that showed the error previously in Reckon GovConnect
  13. Login to Reckon GovConnect > upload the STP file from Step 11 > lodge it again for successful submission

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: ​https://community.reckon.com/categories/reckon_payroll_premier​

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Reckon products and Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Compatibility

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