Error: ‘The tax account does not exist. There is no data on which to report” when generating a Tax Detail Report

Legacy KB ID: 3880


Why do I get the error:  ‘The tax account does not exist.  There is no data on which to report” while generating a Tax Detail Report?


The Tax Payable account has become corrupt.



1.    Create a new company file, selecting other/none Industry type

(this will create only default QB control accounts)


2.    Export the Chart of Account list to an IIF File:

a.    File > Utilities > Export > Lists to IIF files

b.    In the Export box, tick the box for Chart of Accounts and click OK

c.    Name (eg CoA.IIF) and Save the file to the Desktop

d.    Close the new file


3.    Import the CoA.IIF file into your company file:

a.    File > Import >IIF Files

b.    Select your IIF file on the Desktop and click OK

c.    The Chart of Accounts will import into your company file

d.    The import cannot overwrite the corrupt Tax Payable account and will create a second Tax Payable Account


4.    Edit the corrupt Tax Payable account by entering a >> . << (dot) in the Description field.  When you click on OK the corrupt Tax Payable account will merge with the new Tax Payable account. 


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