Amounts don't change when I toggle the inc or ex tax option on POS Terminal

Legacy KB ID: 3492


 Why doesn't the 'Product Price, column title and the Price 1 Inc change when I select the option to include or exclude Tax on my POS Terminal?


This problem occurs when an Item has not been set up correctly in Reckon Accounts and / or the Transaction Options in POS Admin have been selected incorrectly.

To resolve;

1 - In Reckon Accounts - edit the Item, tick the Amts Inc Tax option

2 - In POS Admin - Tools menu / Options / Transactions / untick the Entered amounts include tax option and the Print amounts including Tax option

 - Tick the Print caption next to item amounts to indicate tax status using.....Taxed on sell price eg:  T,  Tax Exempt eg:  *

- Tick the Print amount for each sale item using caption eg: Tax

- click on Apply, click on OK

3 - In POS Terminal - Tools menu / Options / Lists / select the Product List

- Tick the Include Tax in Prices option or untick this option to exclude tax in prices

- click on Apply, click on OK

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