Strange files and folders appear on my desktop after I import QIF file into QuickBooks.

Legacy KB ID: 2143


Why do I have strange files and folders appear on my desktop after I import a QIF file into QuickBooks?


Whenever a QIF file is imported some temporary files are created wherever the QuickBooks data file is stored.

Example Folder names would be : 702, 706 and 707 along with three .ini files.

These are reference files for the Online Banking Profile Downloaded from the server and therefore needed for the import of the QIF file.

If this becomes an issue, you need to make a new folder and move your QuickBooks datafile in this folder or move it back to the installation folder of your QuickBooks program, then these important temp files will be kept in that folder rather than on your desktop.

To move the QuickBooks file to the nominated folder, you need to follow these steps:

1- Right click on your QuickBooks file on the desktop and then left click on Copy.

2- Browse to the destination folder through My computer or Windows Explorer.

3- After selecting the right folder click on the edit drop down menu and select Paste.

4- Go back to QuickBooks and drop down the file menu, choose Open Company and then Browse to the location where we just copied the QuickBooks file to in step 3, once found you need to click once on it and select open.

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