Reckon Desktop POS: Product barcode not found when scanning a barcode

Legacy KB ID: 3585


Why do I get the error “product barcode not found” when scanning a barcode in POS?

The barcode was entered in Reckon and transferred to POS.


This error will occur if your barcode contains lowercase letters rather than uppercase letters.    


Replace lower case letters in barcodes with uppercase letters.

If there are only a few barcodes involved you can change the Barcodes field in Edit Item for each Item.  Where the number of items are too numerous you can alter it through the use of IIF files and a spreadsheet program like Excel.

Detailed Instructions to modify barcodes in an Excel spreadsheet

Export your Item List from your QuickBooks datafile
  1. Click on File.
  2. Select Utilities.
  3. Select Export then select Lists to IIF files.
  4. Tick Item List and click OK.
  5. Name your file and save it to the Desktop.
Make changes in the IIF file with Excel
  1. Right-click the IIF file on the desktop and select "Open With..."
  2. Select Excel (or your preferred spreadsheet program).
  3. Go to the Barcode column (usually column AJ).
  4. Copy the column to a column to the right of the data block.
  5. In the original Barcode column, left click on the first barcode entry.
  6. From the top menu line click on the Formulas tab.
  7. In the Function Library click on Text.
  8. From the drop-down menu select UPPER.
  9. In the Text box, enter the cell address of the corresponding cell in the copied column and click OK. Your barcode should now appear in UPPERCASE.
  10. Copy this cell to all cells in the column; down to the last barcode (any blank cells can be included). All cells should show the barcode with UPPERCASE letters.
  11. Highlight the range from the first barcode to the last barcode in the original Barcode column (AJ)
    1. Right-click on the highlighted area and select Copy.
    2. Right-click on the highlighted area and select Paste Special.
    3. Click the radio button next to Values and click OK.
      The cell now contains just the barcode without an underlying formula.
  12. Save the file and select YES to maintaining the IIF format.

Import the IIF file into your QuickBooks datafile

  1. Open Reckon Accounts
  2. Select File.
  3. Select Utilities.
  4. Select Import, then select IIF Files.
  5. Double click on your IIF file on the Desktop.
  6. Click OK when you receive the message “Your data has been imported”.

Check that your Items now contain the barcode with UPPERCASE letters. 

Transfer the Item List to Retail POS

  1. Open POS Administrator and click on the Transfer icon.
  2. Follow the prompts and tick “Transfer the products (Items and Services) List”.
  3. When complete, click on the Products icon and check that the Barcode column shows your barcode with UPPERCASE letters.
  4. Test in POS Terminal with your scanner.


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