How to make and assign a refund cheque to an unused payment for a customer.

Legacy KB ID: 521


How to make and assign a refund cheque to an unused payment for a customer to get rid of an over payment (credit)


Write a cheque from the appropriate bank account selecting Accounts receivables as the account and allocating the right amount of money in the net or gross amount. Then:

  1. In the customer:job section select the customer that you are writing a refund cheque to.
  2. Save and close.

Now in the receive payment screen, by using the previous arrow at the top of the receive payment form

  1. Allocate the overpaid payment and you should have the refund cheque we have just created at the bottom of that form.
  2. Click on the tick column to select that cheque line, it should offset the overpaid amount on that payment and you should have zero amount for the unused payment.
  3. Finally make sure that you save and close.

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