Reckon Accounts Desktop: Cannot email a report as an Excel file

Legacy KB ID: 5120


Why can’t I email my Report as an Excel file? I select "Send report as Excel" and then nothing happens. 

Selecting "Send report as PDF" has no problems.


Remove illegal characters in the Company Name field in Company Information.

The Issue

When you choose to email a report as a file attachment, the name in the Company Information's Company Name field is used to name the file.

When creating a PDF file, non-alphanumeric characters are removed.

Creating an Excel file does not remove non-alphanumeric characters. Where those non-alphanumeric characters are also illegal Windows characters, the file is not created. 


Remove non-alphanumeric characters from the Company Name by going into Company, then Company Information.

Special characters include: ( ) { } [ ] ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * + = / \ | ? `

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