Import security prices from an ASCII file

Legacy KB ID: 3153


How can I import security prices in RA Personal


CSV format for security prices

The data must be in standard ASCII format with one symbol/price/date per line, separated by either commas or double spaces (using only one type of separator per line).

These import formats are all acceptable. Note that RA Personal can handle quotation marks:

  • ABC, 123.456
  • ABC, 123.456, 12/31/05
  • ABC  123.456  12/31/05
  • "ABC", 123.456, "12/31/05"

Once you have the file in this format you can then import it into RA Personal;

  1. Choose Investing menu > Portfolio View.
  2. Choose File menu > Import > Import Prices.
  3. Enter the name or path of the ASCII file that contains the price data. The data must be in an acceptable CSV format.
  4. Change the date information, if necessary, and then click OK.

If the file does not contain specified dates, import the prices to the date entered here. The currently selected date in Portfolio View is the pre set display in this field.

RA Personal matches prices with your securities if they have the same symbol. If your securities don't have symbols, you'll need to edit them first so they do.

For more information regarding setting up and editing security; see the help index under 'securities'.

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